Welcome to VFPdev.com

A Visual FoxPro developers site
Provided by Greg Reichert
Updated: 01/22/2023



Tips and Tricks

About Us


This site is dedicated to Visual FoxPro developers. The content and downloads may be update on a regular base, so check back offen.

The main feature is the Downloads page. I have created some vary interesting applications and tools. Some these include a new Advanced Profiler Coverage application, CFG - Advanced Configuration manager, and a new Reset command.

Many of the online documentation are "work in process", and are crude and possibly incomplete do the fact they generated from outputs from the OpenOffice Write.

What happened to the old site?
I use to have a web site named www.GLRsoftware.com. But during the last couple of years, I have been ill with "tuberculosis" and was isolated in the hospital for weeks at a time. During this time I had no access to internet and forgot to pay my domain name renewal. Because of that, I lost the site and it was closed. A few weeks out of the hospital, I discovered this and attempted to restore it. It appeared that some chinese broker had purchased it, wanted thousands of USD dollars for it. On top of all that, the medical bill started piling up, and I lost much more. Now, currently I am on Social Security, have been able to get back online, and establish this web site.

Does the company GLR Software still exist?
Yes and No. I still own the Software Consulting company, but have retired and no longer take clients. As you may observe, I still am active in the programming for myself and the public domain people like yourself.

What is on this site?
Currently I am only placing some of my latest work, plus few older tools. Perhaps later I will add some new features, and some of the stuff I had from my old site.